
Manufactured year 1990
Call sign -
Serial number 2330

Registration history

SE-JIH (? - Now)
LN-OPC (? - Now)
HB-XUK (? - Now)

Type history

Aérospatiale AS 350 B2 Ecureuil

Operator history

SG Finans AS (? - Now)
Heli-Linth AG (? - Now)
Osterman Helicopter AB (? - Now)
Helikopterdrift (? - Now)
Helitrans AS (? - Now)
SG Finans AS Norge (? - Now)


This helicopter was constructed in 1990 and entered service with the Swiss company Heli-Linth AG the same year. It was operated by the company in 12 years and was then exported to the Norwegian Værnes-based heavy-lift company Helitrans AS in 2002.

The Swedish company Malmskogens Helikopterleasing AB purchased the helicopter in April 2005. It came to be used for the company's leasing activities and initiated its new life by entering operation with a company in Finland. It was later leased to the Norwegian company Airlift AS.

SE-JIH was purchased by Osterman Helicopter in May of 2009.

The aircraft was transferred into the refurbished company Osterman Helicopter i Östersund AB's fleet in November 2011 (dry-leased from SG Finans AS). The aircraft was not airworthy at that time though.

Less than a year later, in September 2012, SE-JIH was returned to its leasing bank (still not airworthy), just prior to the bankruptcy of Osterman Helicopter i Östersund AB.

SE-JIH was sold to Australia in December 2012. It went through a major overhaul, where it was upgraded to an SD2 version and got a new all-white livery. Eventually, SE-JIH ended up in New Zealand as ZK-HKT. The 6214-hour helicopter was offered for sale in 2014.