
Manufactured year 1959
Call sign F7-91
Serial number 1291

Registration history

02407 (? - Now)
SE-HDF (? - Now)
02207 (? - Now)
207 (? - Now)

Type history

Sud SE.3130 Alouette II

Operator history

Swedish Air Force (? - Now)


This aircraft was constructed in 1959. It was one of three Army helicopters (together with SE-HDE and SE-HDG) that went to Svalbard in 1966. This helicopter, 02202, got the civil registration SE-HDF between June and December that year. It was maintained by Svensk Flygtjänst AB.

The helicopter was eventually transferred to the Air Force as 02407 (F7-91) and stationed at F7 as a local rescue helicopter.

Following the retirement of the HKP 2 the aircraft was stored in Såtenäs. It was later adopted by Swedish Air Force Historic Flight - an organization that aims to keep retired air force airplanes airworthy. The group states that G-91 will return to an airworthy state.

It was moved to the Aeroseum Aviation Museum in Gothenburg in 2013.

