
Aircraft SE-HRH
Type Schweizer 269C
Last known operator Arctic Air AB

About this photo

Photo location Vilhelmina
Photo date Apr 7, 2004
Photo by Pär Ragnar Viklund, Flygtjänst AB


About to departure from the base in Vilhelmina at 07:45 (LMT) in the morning. The helicopter left the home-base for a reindeer herding mission that would go on during the whole Easter.\\\\r\\\\nThis time a year is a very intense period when it comes to reindeer activities. The Laplanders move their animals from the winter-grazing land, close to the coast, to the summer-pasture in the mountains. Flygtjänst AB has three helicopters working full-time for about a month to help the Laplanders with this annual task.

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