
Aircraft SE-JFZ
Type Eurocopter EC 120B Colibri
Last known operator Jämtlands Aero AB

About this photo

Photo location Engsholm Castle, Södertälje, Stockholm
Photo date Oct 3, 1998
Photo by Hans Wallin, via Lars E. Lundin


This is a rather special photo of the then brand new SE-JFZ as it took of from the beautiful Engsholm Castle during the official Swedish display of the new helicopter type EC 120B Colibri - arranged by Mr Michael Savbäck. Savbäck later became the Swedish Eurocopter dealer - breaking all earlier records by selling more than 20 EC120 in a rather short time. The company also made history when it sold a total of eight (7+1) EC135s to the Swedish National Police.

The display at Engsholm Castle was a large event and all people in the Swedish business participated. Two helicopters were put on display, this SE-JFZ - belonging to Jämtlands Flyg AB - and Osterman Helicopter\'s SE-JMP. Both machines arrived to Sweden in September, only a few weeks before the display. All the visitors got the opportunity to speak to people from Eurocopter as well as enjoy good food, interesting information and a flight in the talked-about Colibri - a machine that would turn the Swedish business upside down in a matter of years. Six years later 25 EC120s (only one pre-owned) had been imported - 19 of them still flying in Sweden by the end of 2004. Older Hughes 500s and Jet Rangers had been outclassed in many kind of operations.

Engsholm Castle is located on Mörkö Island, 15 kms south of Södertälje in Stockholm. The castle was established in the 14:th century as the dukes Erik and Valdemar, suns of the legendary Magnus Ladulås, moved there. The main building and one wing were destroyed in a large fire back in 1912. However the structure that can be seen today was rebuilt between the years 1914-1916. The castle is often called Sweden\'s last Vasa-fortress.

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