
Aircraft SE-JCA
Type Aérospatiale AS 350 B2 Ecureuil
Last known operator Norrlandsflyg AB

About this photo

Photo location Vidsel Airport (ESPE), Älvsbyn
Photo date May 7, 2001
Photo by via Statens Haverikommission (SHK)


This photo was taken after the helicopter had been badly damaged in the 2001 accident at Vidsel Airport. The helicopter had just landed on the trolley, when the pilot decided to correct the angle slightly. Upon liftoff the aircraft\'s right skid gear got stuck briefly, after which it came loose and caused a rapid yaw movement. The pilot suspected a tail rotor malfunction and tried to land the helicopter. Unfortunately, the tail rotor hit the trolley and the aircraft crashed. The pilot survived with minor injuries.\r\n\r\nThe Accident Investigation Board stated that the accident was caused by the unarrested yaw movement, which might have been caused by a temporary aerodynamic disturbance. The Investigation Board further stated that the trolley was inappropriate for the helicopter.

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