
Aircraft SE-JMP
Type Eurocopter EC 120B Colibri
Last known operator Svensk Pilotutbildning

About this photo

Photo location Engsholm Castle, Södertälje, Stockholm
Photo date Oct 3, 1998
Photo by Hans Wallin, via Lars E. Lundin


This is a rather special photo of the then brand new SE-JMP as it took of from the beautiful Engsholm Castle during the official Swedish display of the new helicopter type EC 120B Colibri - arranged by Mr Michael Savbäck. \r\n\r\nThe display at Engsholm Castle was a large event and the whole helicopter business participated. Two helicopters were put on display, SE-JFZ - belonging to Jämtlands Flyg AB - and Osterman Helicopter\'s SE-JMP. Both machines arrived to Sweden in September, only a few weeks before the display. Six years later 25 EC120s (only one pre-owned) had been imported.

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