
Aircraft SE-HLI
Type Hughes 369D
Last known operator Malmskogens Helikopterleasing AB

About this photo

Photo location Midlanda Airport (ESNN), Sundsvall
Photo date Aug 25, 2006
Photo by Rickard Gillberg


This image was shot in Sundsvall as pilot Per Frejvall was transporting this long-lived Swedish Hughes 500 from Arjeplog to its new owner in Linköping. The earlier owner, Fjällflygarna AB, recently replaced the Hughes 500 with a newly imported Bell 206 Jet Ranger III. The Jet Ranger was chosen due to its passenger comfort and spacious internal load capacity.
Fjällflygarna has operated Hughes 500s from the mid-80’s, but has now entirely left the helicopter type and focused on operations with a Colibri and the Jet Ranger.
The new owner, Malmskogens Helikopterleasing, will offer the helicopter leasing.

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