This aircraft was constructed in 1980 and came to Sweden in May 1989, purchased by Lapplandsflyg Lap-Air AB. The helicopter was nicknamed "Rosa Pantern" (Pink Panther) due to obvious reasons. The aircraft was used for various operations, including shuttle traffic and tourism.
In April 2012 Lapplandsflyg announced its retirement after 59 years in service. Upon its retirement Lapplandsflyg was the oldest existing helicopter company in Sweden. Its operations were terminated in the early summer of 2012. At the time of its retirement Lapplandsflyg operated five helicopters - three Jet Rangers and two Long Rangers.
SE-HTR was transferred to
Fiskflyg's fleet in June 2012, leased from Lapplandsflyg. It was put in service at
Fiskflyg's newly established Kvikkjokk base (where it had operated frequently in its past life).
The helicopter was returned to its private owner later in the summer (replaced by
SE-HVI). It was offered for sale at roughly 6100 hours.
SE-HTR was sold to the private company Brogården Fastighets AB in Lit in March 2014. The owner already had one other Long Ranger (
SE-HMO) in addition to the new aircraft. It was sold to a private company in Östersund in October the same year (replaced by the Bell 407
SE-HTR was incorporated in
Arctic Air's fleet in February 2015. It was deployed at the company's new winter base at Sälen Ski Resort later the same month. It was soon transferred to the new sales partner TopHeli's base in Laisholm, between Hemavan and Tärnaby.